Discover the actions of the National Pact for Energy Transition and the ways to implement them thanks to our guidance sheets.
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Ce Pacte est dédié aux personnes résidant, travaillant ou étudiant à Monaco. Il propose des actions à mettre en œuvre à titre individuel, à la maison ou pour ses déplacements personnels ou domicile-travail. Ce Pacte contient aussi des actions de réduction des déchets, d'achat local ou d'occasion.
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Level 2 - I buy local and seasonal food
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Level 2 - I don't eat meat or fish at least once a week (concept of "Green Monday")
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Level 2 - I reduce my clothing purchases by buying less and second-hand as much as possible
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Le secteur Administration s'adresse à toutes les Directions, les Services et secrétariats de Département du Gouvernement Princier de Monaco. Il regroupe la plupart des actions de type "bureau vert". Le Pacte National vient en soutien à l'écoresponsabilité de l'Administration, et en complément du Plan Climat-Energie-Qualité de l'Air qui a plutôt pour objectif l'écoresponsabilité de la Principauté dans son ensemble.
Level 1 - I promote sustainable mobility solutions to my teams
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Level 1 - Je mets à disposition de mes équipes au moins une alternative bas carbone pour leurs déplacements professionnels (ex: carte de transport en commun, abonnement MonaBike, vélos en libre partage, abonnement Mobee, véhicule électrique)
Level 2 - I make videoconference meetings my preferred solution to limit travel for my teams, subcontractors and customers
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Level 1 - If I buy a new or used professional vehicle, I choose an electric or hybrid model
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Level 1 - I reward the use of sustainable mobility solutions by my teams
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Level 1 - I implement telecommuting
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Level 1 - I allow my teams to work according to dynamic schedules
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Level 2 - I favor local businesses for my purchases of goods, equipment and services, in order to reduce travel impact
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Level 1 - I set up selective waste sorting on my premises and train my teams in the right sorting actions
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Level 1 - I replace plastic bottles and cups with a system of water fountains and reusable bottles
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Level 1 - If I have my waste processed outside of Monaco, I prepare my files for cross-border waste transfers
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Level 1 - Si j'ai une tisanerie, je mets à disposition de mes équipes des contenants de vente à emporter, de la vaisselle et des couverts réutilisables pour réduire les emballages jetables
Level 1 - Je sensibilise mes équipes à l’utilisation de contenants consignés « MaConsigne » pour l’achat de déjeuners à emporter dans les points de vente partenaires, ou de leur propre contenant dans les autres établissements
Level 2 - I install a cigarette butts collector at the entrance of my building and I educate my employees on how dangerous it is to throw their butts in the street or in sewers
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Level 2 - I set up a system of bottles / water jugs, reusable glasses and dishwashers for visitors and meetings
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Level 1 - I dematerialize the documentation
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Level 1 - I reduce the total number of printers and the amount of print-outs as well
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Level 2 - I have an assessment of my waste production done and I identify the first reduction actions at source
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Level 1 - I switch the light and electrical appliances off and I make sure they are not left on standby when I leave in the evening and on weekends
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Level 1 - Je respecte au maximum les températures de consigne
Level 1 - Je permets à mes équipes de ne pas porter la cravate en été
Level 2 - J’identifie les leviers d’optimisation propres à mon Service
Level 2 - I make my employees aware of digital eco-gestures
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Level 1 - J’exige à mes fournisseurs et prestataires de services enregistrés à Monaco de signer le Pacte
Level 1 - J'invite mes équipes à signer le Pacte Individuel
Level 2 - I extend the lifespan of my objects and equipment as much as possible
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Ce Pacte est dédié aux cabinets d’architectes concevant des bâtiments neufs ou des rénovations majeures. Il n’est pas adapté aux entreprises œuvrant dans la rénovation d’appartements, la décoration ou l’architecture d’intérieur (choisir plutôt le volet « Tertiaire »). En plus d’actions communes à tous les secteurs, dites de « bureau vert », ce Pacte propose des actions dans le domaine de la construction et de la rénovation durable, compatibles avec le label de bâtiment BD2M (Bâtiments Durables Méditerranéens de Monaco).
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Level 1 - I promote sustainable mobility solutions to my teams
CO2 savings:
-78.87 kgCO2/year/employee
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Level 1 - I favor the use of alternative modes of transport in my projects/co-properties (ex: bicycle racks, bicycle storage room...)
CO2 savings:
-1090.51 kgCO2/year/place
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Level 2 - I make videoconference meetings my preferred solution to limit travel for my teams, subcontractors and customers
CO2 savings:
-515.37 kgCO2e/meeting
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Level 2 - I offer shared parking spaces in my projects/co-properties (e.g. carpooling, electric charging station)
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Level 1 - If I buy a new or used professional vehicle, I choose an electric or hybrid model
CO2 savings:
- 3 273 (1 273) kgCO2/year/vehicle
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Level 1 - I reward the use of sustainable mobility solutions by my teams
CO2 savings:
-157.75 kgCO2/year/employee
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Level 1 - I set up staggered working hours
CO2 savings:
-137.31 kgCO2/year/person
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Level 1 - I make sure my teams go onto construction sites by a mode of green mobility
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Level 1 - I include offer notation criteria concerning green mobility choices (transport of teams to construction sites, construction machinery)
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Level 2 - I pay for part or all of my staff's public transport subscription
CO2 savings:
-62.85 kgCO2/year/employee
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Level 2 - I pay out a bonus to employees who wish to purchase a bicycle or an electric / hybrid vehicle
CO2 savings:
- 145 (bike) ; -257 (HV) ; -661 (EV) kgCO2/year/vehicle
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Level 2 - I favor local businesses for my purchases of goods, equipment and services, in order to reduce travel impact
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Level 1 - I set up selective waste sorting on my premises and train my teams in the right sorting actions
CO2 savings:
-0,64 kgCO2/kg of sorted waste
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Level 1 - I ask the cleaning company to use ecological and biodegradable cleaning products
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Level 1 - I create a room for waste and sorting bins in my construction projects, that are easily accessible from the road
CO2 savings:
-134,21 kgCO2/year/household
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Level 1 - I raise awareness of my team to the detection and appropriate treatment of asbestos and heavy metals
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Level 1 - I include in all written and graphic documents dispositions for sorting, appropriate treatment and tracability of construction waste and check them during the construction phase
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Level 2 - I install a cigarette butts collector at the entrance of my building and I educate my employees on how dangerous it is to throw their butts in the street or in sewers (non applicable if smoking is prohibited)
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Level 2 - I set up a system of bottles / water jugs, reusable glasses and dishwashers for visitors and meetings
CO2 savings:
-0.57 kgCO2/100L
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Level 2 - If I have my waste processed outside of Monaco, I prepare my files for cross-border waste transfers
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Level 2 - The design of the building will allow the limitation of construction waste (e.g. standardisation and reversibility of elements, modular spaces)
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Level 2 - Si j'ai une cantine ou un restaurant, je lance une démarche de réduction du gaspillage alimentaire
Level 1 - I dematerialize the documentation
CO2 savings:
-0.69 kgCO2/paper ream
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Level 1 - I reduce the total number of printers and the amount of print-outs as well
CO2 savings:
-6,87 kgCO2/year/employee
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Level 1 - I use recycled paper for all my printed materials
CO2 savings:
-1.12 kgCO2/paper ream
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Level 1 - I replace plastic bottles and cups with a system of water fountains and reusable bottles
CO2 savings:
-0.64 kgCO2/100L
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Level 1 - I set a target of 5% reduction of construction waste/construction (e.g. reduction at source, reuse of packaging, fine sorting of materials)
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Level 2 - I have an assessment of my waste production done and I identify the first reduction actions at source
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Level 2 - I provide my teams with reusable containers and cutlery and a dishwasher to reduce disposable take-out packaging
CO2 savings:
-1.73 kgCO2e/employee/week
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Level 2 - I set a target of 10% reduction of construction waste/construction (e.g. reduction at source, reuse of packaging, fine sorting of materials)
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Level 2 - I set a target of minimum 5% of reuse for a materials lot (for deconstruction projects 5% of materials going to a buyer, for new construction 5% of the materials of a lot coming from reuse)
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Level 1 - I switch electrical appliances off and I make sure they are not left on standby at night and on weekends
CO2 savings:
- 11.88 kgCO2/year/employee
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Level 1 - I roll out a first phase of LED lighting on my premises
CO2 savings:
-12.63 kgCO2/year/light
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Level 1 - I study the renewable energy potential of the building currently being designed
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Level 1 - I am aware of the topic of summer comfort, limit energy needs of my projects and try to address them with a bioclimatic architecture (e.g. limit glass surfaces without solar protections, favor greenery)
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Level 1 - I train my teams on energy savings and renewable energy so that they can offer solutions to customers
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Level 1 - I am aware of the methods of commissioning mission
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Level 2 - I ensure the good airtightness of the building (either by adopting a quality process, either by planning intermediary air permeability tests in my technical specifications)
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Level 2 - In my offices and shared spaces, I set the thermostat to energy efficient temperatures (19°C in the winter and 26°C in the summer)
Level 1 - I set up variable flow ventilation / air conditioning
CO2 savings:
-0.60 kgCO2/sq.m/year
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Level 1 - I generalize LED lighting to all of my offices
CO2 savings:
-12.63 kgCO2/year/light
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Level 1 - I replace single glazing with double or triple glazing
CO2 savings:
-38.66 kgCO2/sq.m of window
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Level 1 - I respond to resident surveys in the event of an energy audit of my building
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Level 1 - If I own my premises, I install or I vote for renewable energy installation projects for my offices
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Level 1 - I limit ambiance and decorative lighting or, if I plan to use it, choose the most energy-efficient lighting options
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Level 2 - I replace my offices' dilapidated doors and windows for better insulating solutions
CO2 savings:
-38.66 kgCO2/sq.m of window
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Level 2 - I extend the lifespan of my objects and equipment as much as possible
CO2 savings:
-5.47 kgCO2e/year/device
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Level 2 - I make my employees aware of digital eco-gestures
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Level 2 - I include greenery in my projects beyond regulations (with "pleine terre"), ideally by including an ecology scientist
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Level 2 - I optimise the design of my buildings by completing a thermal dynamic simulation
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Level 2 - I complete a comparative study of total cost for all my projects
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Level 2 - I use timers, movement detectors, and clocks to automate the switching off of the lights
Level 1 - I enroll team member for at least one event offered by the BD2M framework per year
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Level 1 - I propose an alternative with eco-materials by using for example the eco-materials guide published by the SMBP, or, alternatively, a sustainable procurement policy (e.g. recycled materials)
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Level 1 - I raise awaress of my team to the BD2M label
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Level 1 - I choose my facade coating in order to reduce the heat island effect
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Level 1 - I promote the BD2M framework for my ordering institution
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Level 2 - I invite my teams to sign the Pact for Individuals
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Level 2 - I partake in the BD2M Evaluation Commissions
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Level 2 - Si j'ai une cantine ou un restaurant, je privilégie les fruits et légumes locaux et de saison et propose des options végétariennes dans mon menu
Ce Pacte est dédié aux associations, fédérations professionnelles ou sportives, ou syndicats professionnels. Les actions de ce volet seront applicables ou non en fonction de si l’association dispose d’un local dédié à son activité.
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Level 1 - I promote sustainable mobility solutions to my teams
CO2 savings:
-78.87 kgCO2/year/employee
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Level 1 - Si j'organise un événement, j’informe systématiquement les participants des solutions vertes de transport vers mes événements
Level 2 - I make videoconference meetings my preferred solution to limit travel for my teams, subcontractors and customers
CO2 savings:
-515.37 kgCO2e/meeting
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Level 1 - If I buy a new or used professional vehicle, I choose an electric or hybrid model
CO2 savings:
- 3 273 (1 273) kgCO2/year/vehicle
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Level 1 - I reward the use of sustainable mobility solutions by my teams
CO2 savings:
-157.75 kgCO2/year/employee
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Level 1 - I set up staggered working hours
CO2 savings:
-137.31 kgCO2/year/person
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Level 1 - For my events, I choose venues that are easily accessible by public transport or other sustainable mobility solutions (eg: self-service bicycle)
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Level 1 - I provide a sustainable transportation option to my members and / or volunteers to get to my events (ex: shuttle, carpooling)
CO2 savings:
-0.20 kgCO2/participant
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Level 2 - I pay for part or all of my staff's public transport subscription
CO2 savings:
-62.85 kgCO2/year/employee
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Level 2 - I pay out a bonus to employees who wish to purchase a bicycle or an electric / hybrid vehicle
CO2 savings:
- 145 (bike) ; -257 (HV) ; -661 (EV) kgCO2/year/vehicle
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